Saturday 28 September 2013

Day 27 28-09-2013 Sat Piazza Amerina

We got away early on our way to Piazza Amerina. The attraction here is the Villa Romana del Casale, a buried Roman hunting lodge from the 3rd-4th century that was discovered and excavated in the 1950’s. It features extensive floor mosaics covering hunting and figurative themes.

We were lucky that we came across the turnoff to this place before we hit town so we got there before too many other tourists showed up. As it was, we surreptitiously followed an American group whose guide Bob enlightened us on some of the finer detail. 

All the photo originals are rather dull due to the muted light allowed by the protective structure, so they are all tarted-up to varying degrees. This has been more successful for some than others. I've divided the rather large number of photos into the following sections:





A giant

Children playing 

Detail from the master's quarters

Beach Babes

There were several hallways with large picture stories - difficult to photograph as a whole. Images from parts of these appear above.
Kiosk sellers on strike!!

Model of the site

Marble used in the Basilica

We finished shortly after noon, so made our way into town and found a place that serves the arancini that we have become our favourite lunch. We did a brief walk around town, 

Arancini, NOT Sise delle Monache

Lots of churches

but the many churches seemed to be closed, so we set about finding our lodgings, an agritourismo establishment. It’s roomy and pleasantly cool inside without the need for a/c. We did a brief tour of the extensive pleasant grounds.
Ubiquitous prickly pear

Gum tree?



We elected to have dinner here, and it was the first "real" Sicilian  meal we've had - very good indeed.

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